Friday, October 21, 2011


I have run out of time in my life for all the wants and seem to have downsized to needs. I am learning that by doing such, I limit my creativity and add more stress to my life. What I thought was relaxing (watching TV, surfing fun craft blogs etc) just add's to my stress of needs vs wants. I love to create and school has given me that opportunity, sortof, so I am going to TRY and add a few more wants to my life. 1 being making time to blog. So here goes.

I am currently listening to my classical folder in ITunes and being mentally creative as I study for my logic class. 6 more months till graduation, and I am not excited at all.

Last week I finished a quilt and am working on another unfinished project. Pics to come soon. I am so grateful for the ability to learn.

what have you done with your 24 hours today?