Monday, October 19, 2009

time to myself

I have been lucky these past 2 days and have been sick, so i have stayed hidden in my room and spent some time surfing and reading LOTS of blogs. They included many different subjects, crafting, decorating, sewing, friends pages, heath, exercise and the list goes on. I was able to take some notes about things i want to do and be reminded of projects waiting in the wings. But most of all i was able to reflect on the things that have happened in my life. I come from a line of strong women, a few that have lost their husbands and been a lone for a long time, some that have struggled with health problems for the majority of their lives, but all of them taught me many valuable lessons both by example and stories told me by their children. I feel as though i have a treasure chest of information about who i am and what i come from. I have very few tangible things to remind me of the values and substance of who these woman were, but i have many objects that i inherited at their passing and those things stand for many lessons i have learned at their hands.

First off is my grandma Yvonne. Such an amazing lady. Her house was always immaculate, wish i could be more like her that way. She was the first one, I remember, to put her arms around me and truly listen to my heart and understand my struggles, then tell me that having kids as close as i have was difficult and she knew i could do it. Then proceeded to tell me about her children, which includes my mom. At one point i was given 4 green ducks that i have cherished. She likened the ducks to being a mother and how each of our children have their own agency and personality. Her pep talks were so loving.

She was also very creative, i don't know if i realized how much until i was much older and realized that there were many people that are not creative. She taught me that nothing was impossible, you just do it, and so we did. She taught me how to crochet, knit, quilt/piece by hand, create things out of nothing, like lampshades, pillows, and how to decorate and set tables, wrap presents perfectly. She also oil painted, read, played the piano and organ and loved to hear me play, braided rugs from old clothing, cross stitched, redid furniture, and anything else she thought might be enjoyable, nothing stood in her way. She taught my mom these skills, who taught me, and i am now teaching my daughter. I am so grateful for her creative spirit, it drives me. It makes me be alive. As i was searching through blogs i saw MANY projects that she has already done at some time in her life. Bookcases with fabric/decorative paper/wood at the back, repurposing furniture, shopping her own home, keys in frames, large frames as shadow boxes, fancy decorative mirrors in the bathroom. Im sure i could go on but my brain has stopped. I am very blessed.

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